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Price comparison product image Lialbert Scrape A Round Magic Cone-Shaped Windshield Ice Scraper Snow Shovel Tool 17.5cm

Lialbert Scrape A Round Magic Cone-Shaped Windshield Ice Scraper Snow Shovel Tool 17.5cm

by Lialbert
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Last refresh Feb/04/2019 06:48 AM
Scrape A Round Magic Cone-Shaped Windshield Ice Scraper Snow Shovel Tool Features:
Normal ice scrapers and snow removers just don't remove enough snow with each scrape, and you have to either push or pull in order to remove the debris from your car. The Scrape-a-round is a ingeniously designed ice scraper and snow remover that's cone shaped, so you can simply move it in any direction or in circles to remove more snow from your car at a time.
Is the scrape-a-round one of the best ice scrapers there are
One side of the cone ice scraper is extra wide to cover more area for scraping and snow removal from your car, whereas the other side of the cone is meant to be an ice-breaker. The end of it has mini spikes that protrude from it, so if there'a large build-up of ice on your car windows, you can tap the end of it on the ice, and it'll easily break away.
The circular scrape-a-round ice scraper is said to to clear ice and snow from your cars windows twice as fast as traditional scrapes using its large 18 inch scraping surface. Plus, its unique cone shape makes it extra comfortable to grasp and use.
The scrape-a-round can remove even the most frozen frost from your cars windows with ease, will not scratch the glass on your car while using it, colors will vary with each purchase

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