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Price comparison product image Sole Sticker - Crystal Clear Sole Protector for Christian Louboutin Heels

Sole Sticker - Crystal Clear Sole Protector for Christian Louboutin Heels

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Last refresh Apr/27/2018 12:44 PM
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Why have the bottom of your Christian Louboutins all scuffed up Why repaint the soles, when you can protect the original factory finish Here is a cheap and easy solution to your problems. Our Sole Sticker is created with 3M technology. Easy to apply and painless to remove! When it wears out, simply remove and slap a new one on. Unlike other products on the market, our Sole Stickers will not pull the paint off of your beloved Loubs.

- Our Sole Stickers are created with 3M technology to provide premium protection for your precious Louboutins

- Two (2) 3.5"x5" protection stickers

- Crystal clear, great for photos!

- Just trace out the custom fit of your soles, cut, and apply

- Applies crystal clear invisible to the eye and perfect for photos

- Unlike other protectors on the market

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