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12 Volt in car Hair Straighteners with ceramic plates

by Streetwize
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Last refresh Mar/13/2019 07:33 PM
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HAIR STRAIGHTNERS THAT PLUG INTO YOUR CAR! Girls, you love to ensure you look your best and will have your usual standard hair straigteners at home to get yourself ready for going out, but what about when your on the move out with mates on a road trip or maybe just gone camping These Hair straighteners are 12 volts, 12 volts is what your car has so they can be plugged into your car's cigarette lighter port and there you go, able to sort your hair out in minutes. Ideal when you have rushed to the car when it's bad weather and just want to get your hair sorted again. Benefits Plugs into vehicles cigarette lighter. perfect mix of style and convenience Salon performance on the go Ready to use (hot) in a few minutes Idea for use in cars, vans caravans, motor homes when camping or at festivals 200 degree Also CE approved RoHS compliant These are not to be used by the driver whilst driving. (Girls we know you say you can multi task however Mr Traffic policeman in his nice Volvo would maybe say something) When the engine is not running these can typically be used for approximately half an hour without flattening the vehicle battery. What does CE Approved mean CE marking is a declaration by the manufacturer that the product meets all the appropriate provisions of the relevant legislation implementing certain European Directives What does RoHS mean Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive - This directive restricts the use of hazardous materials in the manufacture of various types of electronic and electrical equipment. RoHS is often referred to as the lead-free directive

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