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Price comparison product image Brillox - eyeglass cleaning device without electricity - perfectly clean glasses in a few seconds - eyeglass cleaning device without ultrasound - set

Brillox - eyeglass cleaning device without electricity - perfectly clean glasses in a few seconds - eyeglass cleaning device without ultrasound - set

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Last refresh Aug/17/2019 12:00 PM
Cleaning glasses with comfort, ideally clean, fast, gentle and completely without electricity. Cleaning glasses with our new cleaning box is a great relief for every spectacle wearer. Especially for people who have to clean their glasses several times a day for work reasons. For example: hairdressers, opticians, bakers, carpenters and many other professions. Our cleaning box offers streak-free, fastest and at the same time very gentle eyeglass cleaning. The cleaning runs completely without electricity and the hands always remain dry. Comfortable, simple, clean. No optician cleaner, no ultrasonic device, no microfibre cloth, no glasses cleaning cloth or cleaning under running water can clean your glasses so perfectly, gently

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