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Price comparison product image Apple Pencil (2nd Generation)

Apple Pencil (2nd Generation)

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Last refresh Jul/11/2019 09:26 AM
Magnetic pairing Snap your Pencil on to the side of your iPad Pro with the magnetic attachment for easy, automatic charging and pairing. Now you don't have to worry about packing an extra cable to charge your device as you're running out the door. Simply attach the Apple Pencil to the side of your iPad Pro when you're not using it, and it will automatically charge up. Highly responsive Draw, create and write like never before with the Apple Pencil (2nd Generation) - made for the latest iPad Pro. The Apple Pencil's lightning-fast responsiveness is what makes it stand out. Using innovative Multi-touch technology it delivers precision control right down to a single pixel. Experience more creative freedom as your ideas instantly pop off the screen. Sketch like you're working on paper Packed into its slender frame, the Apple Pencil features accurate pressure sensors that adapt to the level of pressure applied. Press harder to draw thicker lines or use a gentle touch for delicate details that bring your designs to life. And if you want to shade something

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