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Price comparison product image DURAGADGET Black And Orange Padded Carry Bag / Case with Removable Shoulder Strap Compatible with the Waitiee Walkie Talkie

DURAGADGET Black And Orange Padded Carry Bag / Case with Removable Shoulder Strap Compatible with the Waitiee Walkie Talkie

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Last refresh Jun/10/2018 08:32 PM
(Sponsored, paid link)
Introducing DURAGADGET's orange and black carry case for your kids tablet and accessories. This stylish water resistant case is durable, but remains incredibly lightweight, so is perfect for the transportation of your device. With the extra convenience of a front pocket.

Featuring dual zip closures to provide maximum protection from dust, scratches and other damaging agents.

This carry case is packed with extra pockets and compartments for additional storage, has adjustable straps for maximising carrying comfort

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