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Price comparison product image Stillshine stainless steel screw for cooling fan / case fan / CPU / graphics card / chassis / hard disk / PS4 / router / switch (50mm

Stillshine stainless steel screw for cooling fan / case fan / CPU / graphics card / chassis / hard disk / PS4 / router / switch (50mm

by Stillshine
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Last refresh May/16/2017 06:14 AM
Applicable to within 38mm thickness specifications of the cooling fan, such as:
50 * 50 * 10mm, 50 * 50 * 15mm, 50 * 50 * 20mm, 50 * 50 * 25mm
60 * 60 * 10mm, 60 * 60 * 15mm, 60 * 60 * 20mm, 60 * 60 * 25mm
70 * 70 * 10mm, 70 * 70 * 15mm, 70 * 70 * 20mm, 70 * 70 * 25mm
80 * 80 * 10mm, 80 * 80 * 15mm, 80 * 80 * 20mm, 80 * 80 * 25mm
90 * 90 * 10mm, 90 * 90 * 15mm, 90 * 90 * 20mm, 90 * 90 * 25mm
92 * 92 * 10mm, 92 * 92 * 15mm, 92 * 92 * 20mm, 92 * 92 * 25mm
100*100*15mm, 100 * 100 * 20mm, 100 * 100 * 25mm
120 * 120 * 15mm, 120 * 120 * 20mm, 120 * 120 * 25mm
130*130*20mm, 130*130*25mm

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