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Price comparison product image iFi iDefender3.0 External USB Ground Loop Eliminator - Silence Noise / Hum / Buzz / Distortion

iFi iDefender3.0 External USB Ground Loop Eliminator - Silence Noise / Hum / Buzz / Distortion

by iFi
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Last refresh Sep/22/2019 06:29 PM
Audio setups will suffer from annoying hisses, buzzes, and hums when more than one component in the system carries a ground, which creates ground loop feedback. Using multiple plugs with separate earth points, like your desktop power cord or laptop charger and the power cable from your studio monitors, introduces multiple earths and creates an unwanted chain of noise, buzz and distortion. You need a way to break these multiple grounds in the audio chain to correct your system, and this is how the iDefender will help. The iDefender3.0 plugs directly into your computer USB port, auto-detects if there is more than one earth, and intelligently disconnects the computer earth to remove the background noise for cleaner sound. If you're unsure about a potential ground issue, you can try placing your hand on the music device (PC, CD player, etc) and listen if the hum stays the same or disappears. If the humming is still present or gets worse, the iDefender 3.0 could be the perfect solution. If the noise disappears

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