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Price comparison product image AiCheaX Graphene Heat Dissipation Coating / Graphene Cooling Coating LED Power Amplifier with Heat-dissipating Paint - (Color: water-based100ml)

AiCheaX Graphene Heat Dissipation Coating / Graphene Cooling Coating LED Power Amplifier with Heat-dissipating Paint - (Color: water-based100ml)

by AiCheaX
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Last refresh Sep/25/2019 12:34 AM
Graphene heat dissipation coating /Graphene cooling coating LED power amplifier with heat-dissipating paint Specifications:About graphene conductivity: In order to improve the heat radiation performance of the metal surface, in order to fully exhibit the high thermal conductivity of the graphene and excellent mechanical properties, we have developed an environmentally friendly functional coating - water-based graphene heat-dissipating coating. Electronic components generate more heat during operation. In order to dissipate heat as quickly as possible, metal heat sinks are usually added. However, the thermal radiation coefficient of the metal surface is very low, and the heat collected on the metal surface is hard to be emitted without convective heat transfer. Improving the heat radiation efficiency of metal surfaces by coating technology is an important way to improve the heat dissipation performance of metal materials. Today, the rapid development of the electronics industry, thermal coatings are widely concerned.We know that the thermal emissivity of most coatings is very high and close. The infrared camera can set the emissivity of the coating to 0.95. Therefore, the technical challenge of the heat-dissipating coating is to reduce the contact thermal resistance between the coating and the metal, and the thermal resistance of the coating material itself. The way to achieve a small thermal resistance of the coating includes two aspects: (1) increasing the thermal conductivity of the coating. and (2) reducing the thickness of the coating. Graphene is a functional filler for heat-dissipating coatings. Graphene is one of the well known good thermal conductive materials. Graphene is a one-dimensional nanomaterial with a large specific surface area and is known as a black substance with an emissivity close to 1. Compared with other granulated heat-dissipating fillers

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