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Price comparison product image Vacuum Suction Double Hooks - Pasway Heavy Duty Non-Slip Super Powerful 304 Stainless Steel Hooks Holder for Bathroom & Kitchen,  Chrome

Vacuum Suction Double Hooks - Pasway Heavy Duty Non-Slip Super Powerful 304 Stainless Steel Hooks Holder for Bathroom & Kitchen, Chrome

by pasway
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Last refresh May/26/2018 09:19 PM
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Q:How much weight can these hold
A: load bearing capacity:10kg-20kg

Q:Does it work on shower tile or it's just compatible with smooth surface
A: of course it can , not only works on smooth surface, also works on rough surface with 3M sticker(included)

Q:What exactly is the diameter of the suction base
A: It's about 6.5cm /

Q: How long do I need to press the cup to avoid falling
A: There's red area in the hook, if you can see the red area, just press it, the red is off warning

-Super capacity with 2 hooks in one cup, , it can bear 11lb-22lb, about 5-10kg, compatible with most product at home
-Suction cup, no need for tools, drilling, screws, holes, also no trace, easy to clean
-With 3M sticker, not only for smooth surface, you can use it anywhere with 3M sticker, more widely use than any other suction cup hooks
-Stainless steel, no worry about water, rust, corrode, also durable
-360 degree freely, you can turn the cup after installing to adjust the position, no need to disassemble and install again and again, more convenience

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