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Price comparison product image woxiangnikejiyouxiangongsi(Random Color Summer Style Dark Circles Removal Eye Fatigue Relif Eye Gel Ice Goggles Sleep Masks

woxiangnikejiyouxiangongsi(Random Color Summer Style Dark Circles Removal Eye Fatigue Relif Eye Gel Ice Goggles Sleep Masks

by woxiangnikejiyouxiangongsi
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Last refresh Nov/28/2018 03:41 PM
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Product Size: 16 * 5cm
Weight: 28g
Product Material: Gel
Color: red, yellow, blue, green (the color of the message required)

1, cold: direct use, or placed in cold water immersion is recalled after 20 minutes.

2. heat: the goggles into the water below 80 , and taken a few minutes after use to be hot. Heat helps blood circulation and improves blood flow. Each heat time should be controlled in 15-20 minutes.

3. Ice: The goggles sealed in plastic bags, placed 2-8 refrigerator compartment refrigerated removed after 10 minutes. Ice helps to vasoconstriction, but the time is not too long, should be controlled within 20 minutes.

1. bags under the eyes, dark circles: 45 heat 10 minutes, then cold for 1-2 minutes. Can promote blood circulation, eliminate dark circles, bags under the eyes, to close the health and beauty effect

2. relieve eye fatigue: heat 45 5 minutes, then cold for five minutes. Have slowed eye congestion, skin tightening effect of the eye

3. refreshing recover from fatigue: stay up late lead to fatigue, drowsiness, or when excessive drinking, cold forehead can be refreshing recover from fatigue

4. analgesic antipruritic: bruises, sprains, insect bites, often unbearable pain and swelling, or itching intolerable; toothache even more sleep at night, with the soft ice wrap the affected area, can relieve itching pain, but also hemostasis.

Microwave heating is best not to directly prevent rupture.

Cleaning: warm or cold water, mild soap scrub, not machine wash

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