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Fireplace and Tropical Aquarium

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Last refresh Oct/06/2018 08:38 AM
If you don't want to choose between a fireplace DVD and an aquarium DVD or want to switch between two discs, this combination DVD is the perfect match for you. ALWAYS THE RIGHT ATMOSPHERE WITH CRACKLING LOG FIRES... Choose out of two different fireplaces to create a cosy, warm and romantic atmosphere. Perfect for a quiet evening at home, a romantic moment or an intimate dinner party with friends or family. Both fireplaces can be played with the real sounds of crackling logs or two different music compositions... AND COLOURFUL FISH... Aquarium DVDs are a unique eye-catcher in any interior. Create a relaxing and refreshing atmosphere in your home or office. Enjoy two different aquariums with amazing tropical fish and colourful coral. The ocean sounds enhance the realistic experience, or choose one of the two beautiful and peaceful music compositions. SOUND OPTIONS... - Sound of crackling fire

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