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Price comparison product image The infernal Trio (uncut) strong limited big book-box - 999 pcs. worldwide

The infernal Trio (uncut) strong limited big book-box - 999 pcs. worldwide

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Strong limited and numbered big book-box , 999 pieces worldwide , english and spanish subtitles , french and german audio , german release: Marseilles, 1919. Georges Sarret is a distinguished and respected lawyer, recently honoured for his services in the First World War. He takes as his lover Philomène Schmidt, a young German woman, who has just lost her job and home. To enable Philomène to remain in France, Georges finds her a husband - who dies conveniently of natural causes a month after the wedding. Georges repeats the trick with Philomène's sister, Catherine - marrying her off to an old man who dies suddenly so that the scheming trio can profit from his life insurance. When an accomplice in the scheme, Marcel Chambon, threatens to blackmail them, Georges and his two lovers have no option but to kill him and his mistress. Having dissolved the bodies in sulphuric acid, Georges hires another man to pose as Chambon so that he can secure his assets. Flush with the success of this venture, Georges proposes his most ambitious scam: he will insure Catherine's life with five separate insurance companies; a young orphan woman who is dying from tuberculosis will provide Catherine's death certificate when the moment comes. Unfortunately

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