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Price comparison product image Remote FAAC XT2 433 SLH

Remote FAAC XT2 433 SLH

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Last refresh Feb/12/2019 05:00 PM
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This remote control of the gate FAAC XT2 433 SLH has a frequency of 433.92 MHz and have 2 button(s). It comes with an instruction and batteries. The Programming of the remote is easy and requires no special equipment. Warning, this remote can't be programmed in condominium.


1- The model presented here has a grey button outline and a frequency of 433 MHz. This model should not be confused with the remote control of the same appearance (FAAC XT2 868 SLH) but with a black button outline.

2- If you live in an apartment that is in a condominium, get in touch with your union to find out if your receiver is locked by the installer.

3- Only a master model will allow you to program your new FAAC portal remote control. To find out, simply press and hold a button. If the LED flashes once and then stays on continuously, it is a master model. If the LED remains lit continuously

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