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Price comparison product image Maxview Target 85cm MXL017 Twin LNB Automatic Mounted Satellite Dish

Maxview Target 85cm MXL017 Twin LNB Automatic Mounted Satellite Dish

by Maxview
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Last refresh Jun/29/2018 07:10 AM
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The Maxview Target MXL017 features five pre-programmed satellites as standard (ASTRA 1, 2, 3, Hotbird & Thor)* with an easy-to-use, wired control box and an 'Easy adjust' manual skew system. The average search time for satellite acquisition is typically 30-60 seconds and the optional twin LNB model is ideal for use with PVR's, SKY, or having two receivers in different positions, enabling you to watch two different channels at the same time and is compatible with any SD and HD satellite receivers including SKY.

The MXL017 is designed for permanent mounting, but can be transferred to another vehicle and has a comprehensive 3 year warranty. A low, stream-lined profile means that the MXL017 fully-automatic satellite system is 17cm high in the parked position and it has an all-weather-resistant construction.

Future proof design:
Periodically all automatic satellite systems may require an update to enable them to lock on to the selected signal. Maxview have designed the Target with this in mind making it easy for you to update. Simply load new software onto a USB stick and insert into the control box. Your system is then upgraded to locate and lock onto the new satellite settings.

* Additional satellite packs will be available for download

MXL017 85cm
- Antenna Unit Weight: 11kg
- 85cm Offset Aluminium Antenna
- 12V operation
- Maximum 2A consumption during search
- Average search time 30-60 seconds typical
- Automatic lowering ignition safety system
- Gain 39.4dB
- High Quality 0.2db Universal LNB
- Control Box allows any Satellite Receiver or Plus recording receiver to be connected
- Stores up to 5 satellites
- Pre-programmed with 5 satellites (Astra variants 1/2/3

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