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6x Ultra Clear Screen Protector for Lenovo C2

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Last refresh Jan/30/2018 03:02 PM
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6 x Lenovo C2 screen protector film for protection of your Lenovo C2 display. This Lenovo C2 protective film protects completely against unwished scratches, dust and dirt.

This Lenovo C2 film actually reduces NOT AT ALL brightness, contrast and color. This Lenovo C2 screen protector film is made specifically for your Lenovo C2.

Extra thin Lenovo C2 screen protector, yet the Lenovo C2 screen protective film has the best shape stability. The Lenovo C2 film adheres perfectly and can be removed at any time without residues.

The Lenovo C2 screen protector film can be applied without liquid. If you use this screen protective film Lenovo C2 regularly, you can increase the resale value of your Lenovo C2

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