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TOP Gift Gifts for Teen Boys Girls

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Last refresh Oct/02/2018 02:37 AM
TOP Gift
Novelty Designed, flying ball is a fantastic playing toy for little boys and girls, great toys for kids.

1. flying ball comes with two sets of blades and two balance beams to help fly steadily and keep balance in the air. The blades are well-made with flexible and tough features; the beams are updated and reinforced. All of these make the flying ball resisting from damage in collision.
2. The flying ball is equipped with colorful LED lights inside which provide a beautiful display when flying. When it is on, the rainbow color makes it amazing and shinning in the air, which will attract kids' attention greatly. It will be more beautiful at night.it can sparkle and shine in darkness.
3. The ball is rechargeable and comes with a USB charger, which offers consistent playing. When charging, the red light will turn on to show it is under charging status. Usually the charging time of the ball shall be 10 or 20 minutes, so please don't leave it charging for more than 30 minutes.

How To Operate:
1. Simply place the ball in your open palm, then switch the power on, and the flying toy will fly into the air after two or three seconds. You can control the flying height with your hand before letting it go.
2. After the ball has flown out of your hand it will quickly rise up and then at some height it will start to descend; however, when you place your hand underneath, it will fly up again. The sensitive motion sensors underneath the ball control the power to the rotors and when it senses your hand it will power up. It is like a flying volleyball when you do this, bring you unusual playing experience.


It won't chop off your finger or anything, but it may be make your kids getting fingers caught in because it stings. So I would suggest this for older kids

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