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Price comparison product image Ecoblaze Charcoal Briquettes - Ultimate BBQ and Grilling Charcoal Briquette - Restaurant Grade (Charcoal Briquettes

Ecoblaze Charcoal Briquettes - Ultimate BBQ and Grilling Charcoal Briquette - Restaurant Grade (Charcoal Briquettes

by ecoblaze
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Last refresh Apr/28/2024 04:22 PM
RESTAURANT GRADE CHARCOAL: Create the perfect dish using these high-quality charcoal briquettes. They contain a minimum of 80% carbon content, meaning there is less smoke when cooking your food and giving you a higher quality experience in the kitchen or on the BBQ. These excellent charcoal briquettes are suitable for grills, pizza ovens, BBQs, tandoor ovens, rotisseries and smoking pits.
LONG-LASTING HEAT: These charcoal briquettes are easy to handle and fuss-free. They have a long burn duration lasting from 2-5 hours, guaranteeing you long-lasting temperatures of 300-400°C - perfect temperatures in the optimal cooking zone.
SAFE COOKING: This eco-friendly product is not infused with any unpleasant accelerants or penetrating lighter fluids that can comprise the taste of your food. There are no additives or binding agents in these charcoal briquettes, leaving you with a safe and secure way to cook your food. The briquettes are ideal for both indirect and direct cooking.
COST-EFFECTIVE: These dense charcoal briquettes are a great cost-effective option as you dont need to use many briquettes to achieve stronger, high-heat temperatures. They are sold in 10kg boxes (2 boxes in this pack), providing plenty of BBQ briquettes for your money.
ECO-FRIENDLY: As well as providing you with clean and safe food, these charcoal briquettes are also eco-friendly and 100% natural. They are made from a sustainable wood source, carbonised into charcoal residue. As a result, when they burn minimal ash residue is produced

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