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Price comparison product image Similac First Infant Milk (Stage 1,  from Birth)

Similac First Infant Milk (Stage 1, from Birth)

by Similac
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Last refresh Aug/24/2020 09:03 AM
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A MAJOR GLOBAL FORMULA BRAND: Developed by dedicated scientists, our palm oil free formula is nutritionally complete and provides all the key ingredients to support your baby's nutritional needs. We're committed to giving babies around the globe a strong, happy start in life, and have been since 1925
OVER 90 YEARS OF GIVING BABIES A STRONG START: Similac now available in the UK. Our ethos To nourish babies in the crucial early development stage of their life and give parents peace of mind when they need it most
COMPLETE NUTRITION FOR YOUR CHILD: Similac provides all the key ingredients to support your babys nutritional needs to give them a strong and happy start in life
100% PALM OIL FREE: Were proud to say that our formulas are 100% palm oil free. Reducing palm oil is good for the environment and may be good for your baby too
FROM FIELD TO YOUR FRONT DOOR: The Similac products for the UK are produced in Cootehill, Ireland

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