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Price comparison product image MONIN Premium Toffee Nut Syrup 700 ml

MONIN Premium Toffee Nut Syrup 700 ml

by Monin
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Last refresh Feb/21/2022 12:27 PM
(Sponsored, paid link)
Flavour: Strong smell of caramel with notes of buttered, roasted nuts, bold macadamia nut flavour with classic buttery and rich toffee notes
Used in coffee-based drinks, hot chocolates and hot drinks, milkshakes, frappes and dessert drinks
Use 15-20ml per serve for hot drinks, 10-25ml for cocktails, 20-30ml for frappes and milkshakes, depending on recipe
Contains nuts. Suitable for vegan, vegetarian diets. Alcohol-free, Halal

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