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Price comparison product image Nature's Wild Berry - The Flavor Changing Wildberry (Non-GMO Project Verified) / 3 Pack / 6 Servings

Nature's Wild Berry - The Flavor Changing Wildberry (Non-GMO Project Verified) / 3 Pack / 6 Servings

by nature's wild berry
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Last refresh Jun/06/2018 02:49 AM
nature's wild berry

We consider this the best way to try a few before buying the jars

Each pack contains two halves, or one deseeded berry

Each half can work for 15-20 mins or you can take both for 30-40 mins

Instructions: Chew the berry for 30 seconds before you eat or drink something tart or sour that you'd normally add sugar to

Our favorite ways to use them include:

- In the morning with hot lemon water & a cap of apple cider vinegar

- With an acai bowl, instead of adding honey. Same for unsweetened yogurt

- To make green juice craveworthy, sub peeled lemon instead of using apples/pears

- Make smoothies healthier by using unsweetened cranberry juice instead of sugary berries

- Salads taste sweet by mixing balsamic vinegar, balsamic vinaigrette and oil thoroughly

- Water and lemon make a delicious lemonade. Add unsweetened iced tea for an Arnold Palmer

To reduce or remove sugar from your lifestyle, our jars make each sugar-free meal cost as low as 83 cents!

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