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Rokitta's Rostschreck RUST-BE-GONE Anti-Rust cutlery, pots, pans

by Rokitta's Rostschreck
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Last refresh Sep/03/2022 05:01 PM
Rokitta's Rostschreck
SAY GOODBYE TO RUST The rust remover uses innovative technology to prevent rust on cutlery, pots and pans in the dishwasher and cutlery holder.
ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS Rokittas rust remover works without chemicals and environmentally damaging pollutants.
GLEAMS LIKE NEW Cutlery, pots and pans, crockery and tableware remain radiantly clean and hygienic.
USER FRIENDLY Simply place Rokittas rust remover into your dishwasher or cutlery drawer. The rust remover intercepts the rust flying around from the cutlery during the washing process.
INCLUDED 1 x rust remover, suitable for 600 wash cycles.
BRILLIANT - The brilliant invention of Mr Rokkita from Germany changed the live of Millions after presenting the Rust Schreck on TV in the German Entrepreneurial show
UNCOMPROMISING - Rust particles are almost always in the water supply due to damaged pipes. These particles will sit on your cutlery and are responsible for ugly stains. Mostly knives are affected due their alloy composition and the tradeoff between being not able to rust and sharp
Magnetic - The Rost Schreck is a high yield neodymium magnet in an aluminum shell. While rust particles are not magnetic, the unique combination of the two materials will prevent rust sitting down on your cutlery, pots and pans.
ECO FRIENDLY - Just put the Rost Schreck in your dishwasher cutlery basked or next to the cutlery when you have a drawer. Absolutely chemicalfree

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