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Price comparison product image Deluxe Dentals Fast Acting Pure Botanical Oils Remedy for Teeth and Gums,  Gum Disease Treatment for Adults,  Toothache Treatment Clove Oil for Toothache

Deluxe Dentals Fast Acting Pure Botanical Oils Remedy for Teeth and Gums, Gum Disease Treatment for Adults, Toothache Treatment Clove Oil for Toothache

by Deluxe Dentals
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Last refresh May/07/2024 10:03 AM
Deluxe Dentals
100% NATURAL HEALTHY MOUTH BLEND - Almond, Clove, Peppermint, and Spearmint oils, professionally formulated to promote complete oral health through the elimination of bacterial infection above and beneath the gum surface. Works as a Toothpaste, Mouthwash and Breath Freshener, Cures Bad Breath, Gum Disease, Halitosis. Alternative Healthcare for Stronger Whiter Teeth.
REMINERALIZE TEETH - When properly utilised as a breath freshener, ointment, fluoride free mouthwash or toothpaste, soothing Deluxe Dentals Refresh and Protect bathes your teeth and gums with the necessary mixture of vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K required to facilitate restoration of oral well being. Great for tooth ache treatment and toothache pain relief for adult
IMMEDIATE RELIEF FROM ORAL PAIN - With further ongoing significant improvements within 30 days of initial use by patients suffering from: chronic halitosis, gingivitis, gum and periodontal disease, gum infections, bleeding and receding gums, loose, dull, sensitive, and abscessed teeth. Now with clove oil for improved toothache pain relief for adult.
BAD BREATH TREATMENT - Deluxe Dentals Refresh and Protects teeth oil scientific blend of natural oils actively combats the bacteria which produce bad breath. A few drops can make it feel like a cleansing explosion has occurred in your mouth leaving you with a clean and crisp feeling.
MAXIMUM STRENGTH, HIGHLY CONCENTRATED - Some of the world's finest essential plant oils, gathered from the four corners of the earth, and designed specifically to maximise tooth and gum health. When used as directed, benefits often include firmer, pinker, healthier gums, and tighter, whiter

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