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Price comparison product image 2 x THYROID T-3 by ABSOLUTE NUTRITION 180 capsules (360 capsules total). Supports Thryoid,  Burns Fat,  Increases Metabolism,  Boosts Output,  Stim-free,  Guggul

2 x THYROID T-3 by ABSOLUTE NUTRITION 180 capsules (360 capsules total). Supports Thryoid, Burns Fat, Increases Metabolism, Boosts Output, Stim-free, Guggul

by Absolute Nutrition
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Last refresh Nov/03/2018 04:33 PM
Absolute Nutrition
Thyroid T3 by Absolute Nutrition helps you burn fat fast by helping you stay on your low calorie diet and increasing metabolism. Thyroid T3 is designed to be used in conjunction with a reduced calorie, healthy diet. If you are a diet veteran, you must have noticed in every weight loss diet there comes a point where it becomes hard to get rid last few pounds. That is usually the point where most dieters quit dieting. The reason behind it is that low calorie diets slow your metabolism, making it gradually more difficult to lose weight and keep it off. Dieting fails because of a combination of hormonal changes, muscle loss, and flat out frustration. Since the beginning of mankind, our bodies have been designed to adapt to unstable food supplies, hence, when we go on low calorie diet our body faces a shortage of calories and the natural response is to preserve fat. You can overcome this situation by increasing your metabolism.

The active ingredients in Thyroid T3 increase the rate of conversion of T4 (the low activity hormone) to T3 (the high activity hormone). This conversion causes an increase in Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), which are the number of calories burnt at rest. This is achieved without the use of stimulants but with high potency.

Thyroid T3 stimulates thyroid, increasing the conversion of T4 to T3, boosting the metabolism, burning fat.

Phosphates can prevent a decrease in T3 and increase the BMR. Phosphates are found in high-energy compounds such as ATP and phosphocreatine. Thyroid activity is directly related to the amount of energy a person possesses so it is essential to ingest plenty of phosphates daily.

L-Tyrosine is used by the thyroid gland for the production of Thyroxine, a vital hormone involved in regulating growth, metabolism

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