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Price comparison product image Deesen Professional Alkoholtester Tester Portable Tester with Semiconductor Sensor and Digital Blu-Ray LCD Screen

Deesen Professional Alkoholtester Tester Portable Tester with Semiconductor Sensor and Digital Blu-Ray LCD Screen

by Deesen
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Last refresh Apr/20/2022 06:16 PM
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Easy to use: the breathalysers are extremely easy to use. Simply introduce 2 AAA batteries. (Batteries not included). Wait 10 seconds to warm it up, and then blow for 3-5 seconds. The result will be displayed on the LCD screen (wait 20 minutes after drinking to perform the test, the result will be more accurate).
Intelligent alarm: the alcohol tester warns you with an acoustic alarm when the test result is over 0.05% BAC or 0.5g/l. To remind drivers not to drive. To save energy, it turns off after 2-3 seconds after the test if no operation is carried out.
Precise alcohol tester: the alcohol tester with professional airway design and high-precision semiconductor sensor, test your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) more accurately and faster. Digital display, no backlight.
Lightweight and portable: this alcohol tester comes with 5 interchangeable mouthpieces. They can be cleaned and recycled, and are good for hygiene purposes. Superb compact design

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