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Price comparison product image WillMall All Natural Ear Candles Beeswax Candling Cones - 16 Pcs (8 Colors)

WillMall All Natural Ear Candles Beeswax Candling Cones - 16 Pcs (8 Colors)

by HappyCoCo
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Last refresh Nov/25/2018 06:10 PM
The curative effects of the Aromatic Ear Canddle
1. relieve the pressure inside the ear canal and paranasal sinus tubes
2. remove excess earwax safely and effectively
3.Relieve the related symptoms as tinnitus and itching of the ear and strengthen the sense of hearing
4. help increase resistance to infection
5. strengthen the sense of taste and hearing
6. relieve headache and ease the symptoms of being dizzy and murky
Operating principle
1.Heat Energy- customers ear may feel a hot stream flowing into his auditory meatus as a flaming ear candle is inserted into your ear .mild stimulation on reflection area may balance and unblock energy within skull and bring a warm and comfortable feeling.

2.Pressure and Shock Light- pressure and shock produced by flaming ear candle plays the role of massaging eardrum and removing dirt from ear wall quickly to achieve the purpose of removing excess waste and toxin from your body. In addition, with technique of removing toxins, the entire operation process gives you a more relaxed and comfortable feeling. effective way to reduce ear ache.


1. Lie down on one side on the pillow.
2. Massage the ear area, to relax the nerve system.
3. Put 2piece of towel around the pillow.
4. To Prepare a piece of aluminum paper 15cm x15cm and stick a small hold for ear candle.
5. Light up the longer end and place the shorter end gently into the outer ear passage.
6. Stick the smaller hold into the aluminum paper about 5cm.
7. Gently put the ear candle with aluminum paper into the ear passage. Stick up for the 90 form the face.
8. The ear candles

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