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Price comparison product image Joint Support Patches for Arthritis - Vitamins for Joints to Aid Pain Relief for Shoulder,  Knee,  Ankle,  Neck Joint Support & Health. 30 Patches,  with Vitamin C,  A,  B

Joint Support Patches for Arthritis - Vitamins for Joints to Aid Pain Relief for Shoulder, Knee, Ankle, Neck Joint Support & Health. 30 Patches, with Vitamin C, A, B

by WeightWorld
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Last refresh May/14/2020 01:51 PM
POWERFUL JOINT SUPPORT - WeightWorld crafted these joint support patches to help provide relief for stiff joints and pain, using natural ingredients and vitamins to ensure you can enjoy better health and the better things of life again! With relieving transdermal technology, these patches are soft, yet pack deep relief for your joints- giving support for knee, elbow or ankle pain, or relieving a stiff neck and back!
100% NATURAL, SAFE FORMULA - These Joint Support Patches pack a number of deep relieving vitamins and minerals, to take you back to the joint health of your youth! Because of its rich make up of vitamins such as vitamin A, B, D, K and vitamin C, Nettle is included in these patches- it has also been studied regarding its swelling relief and ache aid properties. Solomons seal is also included, which is well known for its joint support management!
DISCREET AND CONVENIENT TO USE - WeightWorld knew joint pain relief gel, pads and patches can often stick out or be uncomfortable to wear. That's why they created their Joint Support Patches in a way that both gives support to pain in stiff joints, and stick close to the skin like discreet pads! This means you can get the relief and support your joints need, without worrying about patches that stick out over clothes!
TRANSDERMAL PATCH TECHNOLOGY - Always aiming to be at the front of the pain and joint relief industry, WeightWorld are excited to introduce the best in modern wearable technology- transdermal patches! Developed as an alternative to traditional pills and gel for pain relief, the transdermal skin delivery technology used in skin patches delivers ingredients such as Vitamin C and B straight through the skin to the blood- for much quicker relief!
24 HOUR USE PATCHES - Instead of keeping a clunky device pad on for days, or using gel every hour, these patches can be left on for 24 hour periods and easily changed. This means easy and hygienic joint support and relief, and with 30 patches in each pack, you'll enjoy deep relief for a whole month! So whether you struggle with pain or stiff joints in the knees, neck, shoulder, elbow or back

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