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Price comparison product image Spirulina and Chlorella Capsules - 1800mg - Detox Energy Strength Satiating - Vegan Rich in Protein & Vitamins - Organic Superaliment - 180 Capsules 100% Vegan - Nutralie

Spirulina and Chlorella Capsules - 1800mg - Detox Energy Strength Satiating - Vegan Rich in Protein & Vitamins - Organic Superaliment - 180 Capsules 100% Vegan - Nutralie

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Last refresh Apr/15/2024 06:56 AM
DETOX: The combination of Spirulina and Chlorella contains vitamin A, B, C, E, K, Chlorophyll and Calcium among others. Vitamin A contributes to the maintenance of the skin in normal conditions and to the normal functioning of the immune system. Vitamin C contributes to the normal formation of collagen for the normal functioning of blood vessels, skin care, the normal functioning of the immune system and protection of cells against oxidative damage.
PROTEIN-RICH SUPERFOOD: High Nutritional Density containing Spirulina powder 60% protein and some calcium, and Chlorella powder 50% - 70% protein. The proteins contribute to increase and preserve the muscle mass and the maintenance of the bones in normal conditions. Calcium contributes to normal energy metabolism, normal muscle function and is necessary for the maintenance of bones under normal conditions.
FATIGUE & TIREDNESS: Vitamin C helps to reduce tiredness, fatigue and contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system during and after intense physical exercise. It also contributes to normal energy metabolism and improves iron absorption. On the other hand, it is complemented by vitamin A, which contributes to the normal metabolism of iron and the normal functioning of the immune system.
100% VEGAN FORMULA: Our 100% Vegan formula is composed of Spirulina and Chlorella

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