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Price comparison product image Bio Cultures Complex - 60 Capsules (1 Month Supply) -Probiotics Supplement Capsules for Higher Potency and Strength - 40 Billion CFU Vegan Capsules with 15 Bacteria Strains per Serving -Made in the UK

Bio Cultures Complex - 60 Capsules (1 Month Supply) -Probiotics Supplement Capsules for Higher Potency and Strength - 40 Billion CFU Vegan Capsules with 15 Bacteria Strains per Serving -Made in the UK

by Surrey Health
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Surrey Health
HIGHER POTENCY AND STRENGTH These probiotics for men and women offer 40 Billion CFU with 15 Bacteria Strains per Serving that will assist you in providing extra strength, potency and help you enhance your immune system. For the greatest effects, our supplements should be taken regularly over a longer period alongside a healthy lifestyle.
PROVIDES HEALTHY BACTERIA These probiotic supplement capsules interact with your body to create beneficial bacteria that help you improve your immune system, keep your stomach healthy, and sleep soundly.
CONTAINS A 15 STRAIN COMPLEX These bio cultures complex probiotics contain crucial bacteria strains, including Lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus rhamnosus, and Bifidobacterium bifidum; Each capsule contains CFU of viable organisms that will live for the duration of the product's shelf life if maintained properly (as stated on the bottle)
1 MONTH FULL SUPPLY We recommend taking two capsules each day for the best effects; There are 60 probiotics for women's intimate health capsules in a pack, with one month's supply; You may also open the capsule and sprinkle it over food to eat; If you have a sensitive stomach, we recommend starting with one capsule per day and gradually increasing to two capsules over a few weeks
MADE IN UK When you take these vegan probiotic capsules, you will feel relaxed and calm; Our Bio-Cultures Complex is manufactured in the UK ensuring that you are safeguarded by the world's highest standards; These Capsules are GMO-Free and don't have Artificial colors and flavors are not included

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