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Price comparison product image Bosch DIY Lawnmower Robot,  18V,  2.5Ah,  up to 350m² Mowing Area per Load,  1 Piece

Bosch DIY Lawnmower Robot, 18V, 2.5Ah, up to 350m² Mowing Area per Load, 1 Piece

by Bosch
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Last refresh Mar/03/2024 10:27 PM
(Sponsored, paid link)
With The Robot Lawn Mower Effortlessly An Ideal Garden
Small, Compact And Efficient - For Lawns Up To 350 M²
Intelligent BOSCH Logicut Navigation System - Is The Most Efficient Route For Mowing
With The Software. 7 5 Can Be Better Identified And Avoided Obstacles
Delivery: Indego 350, Battery 100 M Perimeter Wire Fixing Hooks 140, User, Charging Station, 4X Fixing Screws, 2X Cable Connections, Power Supply

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