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Price comparison product image [en.casa]® euro-pallet sofa / 1 x back rest cushion / pad / outdoor indoor / garden furniture / water-resistant / light grey

[en.casa]® euro-pallet sofa / 1 x back rest cushion / pad / outdoor indoor / garden furniture / water-resistant / light grey

by [en.casa]
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Last refresh Jul/26/2018 02:27 PM
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Seat cushion / Back rest cushion / Corner cushion or as a Set

This padded cushions are perfect for a modern euro-pallet-sofa. The cushion cover is made of water-proof and high-quality material. The cushions have a ong lasting, point-elastic cold foam filling. You can bulid modern and individual seating furniture with the euro-pallets. The trendy furniture is ideal for your home, garden, terrace or patio. The quality of the cushions with high volume weight of the foam has to be highlighted. This kind of foam quality is also applied for high-quality mattress.

Product details:

- seat cushion, back rest and corner cushion for euro-palette-sofa

- indoor / outdoor suitable

- water and dirt resistant

- easily washable

- insensitivity to light, abraison and sweat


Cover: polyester

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