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Price comparison product image Green World Production / Biodegradable Cutting And Carving Board With A Juice Canal / Anti-bacterial Chopping Board Perfect For Cutting

Green World Production / Biodegradable Cutting And Carving Board With A Juice Canal / Anti-bacterial Chopping Board Perfect For Cutting

by Green World Production
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Last refresh Jun/11/2018 12:50 AM
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Green World Production

Doesn’t it annoy you too that the liquids of fruits, vegetables or meat spill all over your kitchen when you cut them
Aren’t you annoyed when purchasing another bad cutting board which will either loose its shape or break

Well, it’s Green World Production mission to create a cutting board which eliminates every problem that is caused by inferior cutting boards

What makes Green World Production stand out from different products
• This carving board is made out of rice husk and is therefor biodegradable.
• It’s extremely light and due to its natural components it’s extremely robust.
• The cutting board is made out of durable and robust material and won’t cause excessive wear to your cutlery.
• Compared to normal wood the low pore surface causes less bacteria to accumulate and prevents discolouring on the
surface, e.g. due to carrots & beet root.
• It’s easier to clean than Wood or bamboo cutting boards. You can put the Green World Production cutting board into
your dishwasher without causing damage to the material.
• It’s anti-bacterial and it can safely be used in a microwave or a dishwasher.

Which risk is there for me

There is no risk. We know our products are the Best Quality and they will last a long time

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