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Price comparison product image PoddyHolder Tassimo T-Disc Capsule Pod Holder - stores up to 52 Bosch Tassimo T-Discs and rotates for ease of access - Genuine Poddy Holder Coffee Capsule Holder - Great Gift Idea

PoddyHolder Tassimo T-Disc Capsule Pod Holder - stores up to 52 Bosch Tassimo T-Discs and rotates for ease of access - Genuine Poddy Holder Coffee Capsule Holder - Great Gift Idea

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Last refresh Mar/17/2019 02:54 PM
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This elegant coffee capsule holder is made from high quality chrome plated wire and can hold up-to 52 Tassimo Discs. The unique four-sided rack stand rotates 360 degrees on a non-slip base, allowing you to select your favourite T-Disc with ease. The holder allows for the storage of the Milk Pods however they have to be removed from the top of the channel rather than the bottom. Dimensions: Height - 25cm

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