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Price comparison product image Memory Foam Seat Cushion for Relieving Back,  Sciatica, Tailbone Pain, Suitable for Office Chairs,  Kitchen Chairs,  Couches

Memory Foam Seat Cushion for Relieving Back, Sciatica, Tailbone Pain, Suitable for Office Chairs, Kitchen Chairs, Couches

by Pootack
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Last refresh May/02/2019 01:24 AM
Why should you choose our Seat Cushion
As it is located at the end of your spine. It's also something we don't think about often while we sit, but long periods of sitting play a major role in tailbone and back pain.
It's a FACT that flat, hard and even traditionally padded seating surfaces cause pressure on your tailbone causing Pain, Poor posture, Improper spine alignment, Decreased blood circulation, Pinched nerves & Orthopedic problems.

Perfect Posture is made with premium memory foam
The cushion is made from high quality, high density memory foam which firmly supports your back and pelvic region. It is enhanced with a coccyx cut-out which keeps your tailbone suspended so your body weight does not rest on it.
This balance effect eliminates the pain you experiencing when your weight rests on your tailbon.
Please read the dimension of the product carefully before you choose this one!

It relieves pressure on the coccyx, hips, and legs by hugging the thighs with it's unique design for:
1.Back Pain During Pregnancy
2.Back Pain After Pregnancy
3.Back Pain due to a sports injury
4.Pain, Numbness, Sciatic Nerve Damage
5.Herniated, Bulging Disc
6.Pain due to a Bruised, Broken Tailbone
7.Pain or numbness from sitting for long
8.Road trips, long flights, seated desk work, long commutes
9.For Healthy posture and proper spine alignment
10.For Pelvic pressure and hip pain

Sit comfortably anywhere you might be.
It's easy to use with office chairs, kitchen chairs, couches, cars, planes, and wheelchairs for maximum comfort wherever you go!
This allows

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