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Price comparison product image Viceroybedding New 4ft 6" UK Double Size 8" inch (200mm / 20cm) Memory Foam Mattress ***Now Includes Plush Velour Zip-Off Removeable And Machine Washable Anti-Bacterial Cover***

Viceroybedding New 4ft 6" UK Double Size 8" inch (200mm / 20cm) Memory Foam Mattress ***Now Includes Plush Velour Zip-Off Removeable And Machine Washable Anti-Bacterial Cover***

by Viceroybedding
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Last refresh Jan/07/2019 08:57 AM
What is 'Memory Foam' Memory Foam is the revolutionary Open Cell Foam, developed in 1970 by an aeronautical engineer as part of a research project started in 1969 by NASA, it was aimed at providing better passenger impact protection and comfort during long commercial airline flights. This was the driving force behind the development of the unique cushioning material. How does Memory Foam Work Memory Foam works by moulding to your exact shape and position, cradling the head and the natural hollows of your neck, shoulders, back and knees and relaxing your joints and muscles. When you turn in bed it quickly recovers and re-adjusts, providing you with total support through the night. Because of its ability to absorb pressure, memory foam can significantly reduce the need to turn in bed by 80% promoting a more restful nights sleep Memory Foam Benefits : Memory foam is most effective for relieving pressure points caused by the human body in its relaxed state. . . The correct support can prevent or significantly reduce: Tension headaches. Fibrosis in shoulder muscles. Aches and pains in the pelvic area. Circulation problems which can cause swollen calves and feet. Sore and chaffed heels. Risk of swollen and painful hip joints. Back pain. Insomnia. Respiratory problems, including allergies and asthma. The dust mite cannot live in memory foam. Is it worth the money Memory foam isn't cheap. The material used is expensive to produce and so the price of their products may come as a shock. However, memory foam comes recommended by back specialists all over the world. Over 30,000 medical doctors, chiropractors, physiotherapists and osteopaths recommend the memory mattress toppers. They firmly believe in the value of the material to ease and prevent back and neck problems

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