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Price comparison product image AITK Sneeze Screen Guard,  compact & easy to use Reception Screen

AITK Sneeze Screen Guard, compact & easy to use Reception Screen

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Last refresh Sep/11/2020 04:57 AM
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Effective Sneeze Guard: Help protect your frontline workers! Lightweight, easy-to-install acrylic distancing barriers designed to help reduce exposure and cross-contamination. Ideal for the protection of cashiers, clerks, agents, receptionists and others interacting with the public. Effective solution against droplets from coughing or sneezing.
EASY TO USE: They are designed and manufactured in the from shatter-resistant 4mm acrylic plastic, providing a durable chemical resistant surface that can be easily cleaned with disinfectant or hot soapy water. Our no tools required design converts from flat packed to freestanding in seconds.(NOTE: a protective film must be removed from both sides of the product or it will not be clear)
BIG OR SMALL, WE CATER FOR ALL: We offer a wide range of sizes from 30-120cm in width to 50-120cm in height. Our protection screens are suitable for all workplaces and environments, from small desks and nail salons through to large restaurant chains and retail outlets.
Lightweight : It has smooth edges and is transparent. Acrylic is a shatter-resistant material that boasts great strength despite its light weight. Scratch resistant with clear visibility.
Easy to clean, in order to ensure your safety, it is recommended that you decide the frequency of cleaning the protective cover according to the flow of people. Wipe it with alcohol 1-2 times a day, you can wipe it once at night for sterilized use on the second day when there is low flow of people and no sneezing.
VERSATILE & MOBILE: This acrylic sneeze guard is a mobile protection screen suitable for use in various locations, such as pharmacies, local authorities, offices and doctors surgeries. It features a practical 25cm x 10cm serving hatch is perfect for handing over documents, change or goods. The simple plug-in system allows you to use the acrylic screen straight out of the box.
HIGH: The dimensions of the acrylic sneeze screen provide plenty of counter top protection from coughs and sneezes. The size of the screen, as well as its feet, ensure that the screen is particularly stable.
We provide high-quality after-sales service. When you receive the goods, if there is any damage

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