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Price comparison product image iRobot connected floor mop Braava jet m6134 - precise spray - Dry mopping or sweeping - Compatible Roomba 900,  i,  s and j

iRobot connected floor mop Braava jet m6134 - precise spray - Dry mopping or sweeping - Compatible Roomba 900, i, s and j

by iRobot
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Last refresh Mar/07/2024 09:29 PM
THE ULTIMATE ROBOT MOP. From simple spills and smudges to weekly cleaning, the Braava jet m6 robot floor mop cleans floors like you would, using the high-precision spray nozzle to dissolve tough stains and kitchen grease. Tell your robot where and when to mop and free yourself from the drudgery of mopping floors
WIPES SYSTEM: FLOOR WASHING AND DRY SWEEPING. Attach a Braava jet cleaning pad and the robot automatically selects the cleaning mode. With their absorbent fibres, they remove stubborn stains, dirt* and kitchen grease They use electrostatic force to capture dirt, dust and pet hair * Tested in SPOT cleaning mode
WIPES SYSTEM: FLOOR WASHING AND DRY SWEEPING. Attach a Braava jet cleaning pad and the robot automatically selects the cleaning mode. With their absorbent fibres, they remove stubborn stains, dirt* and kitchen grease They use electrostatic force to capture dirt, dust and pet hair * Tested in SPOT cleaning mode
TAKE CONTROL OF CLEANING. Clean the dirtiest areas of the house and ignore the trickiest places. With smart mapping, the Braava jet m6 robot floor mop can tell the kitchen from the couch and lets you define which areas to clean by directing cleaning to high-traffic areas. Creating ignore zones also allows the Braava jet m6 robot mop to avoid certain areas and move in parallel straight lines around objects and under furniture
CLEAN DIRT AS IT SETTLE. Splatters, streaks of mud: No one likes to pull out the bucket and mop to wash off accidental stains. With a simple request to your voice assistant* or via the iRobot HOME app, the Braava jet m6 robot floor mop targets specific areas of your home's rooms, such as the space under the sofa or under the table to easy washing, without getting your hands wet. *Alexa and all related logos are trademarks of Amazon.com or its affiliates. Google is a registered trademark of Google LLC
GET TO KNOW YOUR LIFE. The Braava jet m6 robot mop learns your cleaning habits to offer you personalized programs, while compatibility with the Google Assistant and Alexa lets it start mopping at the sound of your voice. It even suggests an extra wash when your area's pollen count is high or during the season when your pets are shedding. *Alexa and all related logos are trademarks of Amazon.com or its affiliates. Google is a registered trademark of Google LLC
CLEANED FLOORS WHEN YOU GET HOME. Now, with iRobot Genius, you can set your robot to start cleaning when you leave home and stop cleaning when you return. Notice the cleanliness, but not the cleaning. Enjoy a clean home

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