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Price comparison product image Heatmiser NeoAir V3 Wireless Smart Thermostat White Works with the NeoHub Gen 2 Giving you Interface with Apple Home kit Alexa and Google Home Including Kudos Tradings Next Working Day Prime Delivery

Heatmiser NeoAir V3 Wireless Smart Thermostat White Works with the NeoHub Gen 2 Giving you Interface with Apple Home kit Alexa and Google Home Including Kudos Tradings Next Working Day Prime Delivery

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Last refresh Sep/28/2023 05:19 PM
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The heatmiser neo air is a wireless smart thermostat that allows homeowners to control their heating system from anywhere. It features a colour touchscreen pad sensor that is easy to navigate and provides real time temperature readings.
The device comes with a range of scheduling options, allowing homeowners to set different temperature levels for different times of the day. The heatmiser neo air can learn the habits of the homeowner and adjust the heating accordingly.
It is compatible with voice assistants like amazon alexa and google assistant, allowing homeowners to control their heating using voice commands. The device supports integration with other smart home devices, such as door sensors and motion detectors when connected to the neo hub.
The heatmiser neo air is designed to be energy efficient and comes with features like adaptive start and vacation mode to reduce energy consumption. Installation of the device is simple and straightforward, and it can be easily mounted on the wall using a standard backplate, but is more fitted with use of the neo air stand, (option)
It is versatile and can be used to control a range of heating systems, including underfloor heating, and central heating systems. The device can be used to create custom heating zones, which is particularly useful for homeowners with larger homes or multi story buildings.
The heatmiser neo air is compatible with the heatmiser app, which provides homeowners with a range of additional features. The app allows homeowners to monitor energy usage and receive alerts if the heating system malfunctions.
The app also allows homeowners to control their heating from anywhere, making it even easier to manage their heating system. The heatmiser neo air is designed to be sleek and modern, making it a great addition to any home.
The device is designed to be reliable and comes with a two-year warranty for added peace of mind. The heatmiser neo air is a great choice for homeowners who want to take control of their heating system and save on their energy bills.
The device is a smart investment that can provide homeowners with greater comfort, convenience, and energy efficiency in their homes

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