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Price comparison product image Zanussi Series 40 OrbitClean Freestanding Dishwasher with AirDry Technology ZDFN662W1 14 Settings

Zanussi Series 40 OrbitClean Freestanding Dishwasher with AirDry Technology ZDFN662W1 14 Settings

by Zanussi
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Last refresh May/14/2024 10:28 AM
REACH EVERY CORNER WITH ORBITCLEAN - Brilliant dishwashing results are easily achieved with OrbitClean, giving your dishes three times better spray coverage than a standard dishwashing system. The double-rotating mechanism changes direction and angle during the cycle so water reaches every corner.
SPACIOUS CUTLERY DRAWER - The spacious cutlery drawer is designed to accommodate the bulky utensils and long knives you use every day. Whether large or uniquely-shaped, the dividers can be customised to make sure your cutlery and utensils fit.
EXCELLENT DRYING PERFORMANCE WITH AIRDRY - AirDry delivers up to 3x better drying performance when compared to closed-door systems. The door automatically opens at the end of the drying phase and air is circulated inside the machine. Dishes emerge perfectly dry, every time.
QUICKLIFT - Adjust the basket height even when fully loaded with the efficient amenities provided by the QuickLift basket. Regardless if you have a full load with bulky items, you can effortlessly adjust the height so you can easily fit dishes and kitchen tools of different shapes and sizes.
QUICK CYCLE, TO SUIT YOUR SCHEDULE - The Quick programme is ideal when you're short on time, with light loads treated in just 30 minutes. Clean dishes

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