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Price comparison product image I-Sonite (Black) Premium Horizontal Faux Leather Belt Holster Pouch Cover Case With Magnetic Closure For Sony Xperia XZ2 Compact

I-Sonite (Black) Premium Horizontal Faux Leather Belt Holster Pouch Cover Case With Magnetic Closure For Sony Xperia XZ2 Compact

by I-Sonite
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Last refresh Dec/08/2018 11:32 AM
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I-Sonite horizontal pouch holster

Cut from eco-friendly premium faux leather that can handle heavy usage wherever you may go. The latch is closed securly with magnets ensuring that your phone stays at your side. At the same time the latch is designed for easy draw of your mobile device when needed. The Interior is lined with velvet micro-fibre to keep your phone scratch free. Constructed to be versatile and with your comfort in mind

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