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Price comparison product image Thomson & Scott Noughty,  Alcohol Free,  Organic Sparkling Chardonnay,  Low-Sugar,  Halal Certified,  Vegan - Great Gift for Expecting and New Mums,  Birthdays

Thomson & Scott Noughty, Alcohol Free, Organic Sparkling Chardonnay, Low-Sugar, Halal Certified, Vegan - Great Gift for Expecting and New Mums, Birthdays

by Thomson & Scott
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Last refresh Oct/09/2023 06:50 AM
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Thomson & Scott
ALCOHOL-FREE AND VEGAN FRIENDLY - Gone are the days where non-alcoholic and vegan drinkers were left to contend with just elderflower pressé as a Prosecco alternative; Our patented process of dealcoholising our sparkling Chardonnay uses absolutely no crustaceans, eggs or fish during filtering; So, welcome to the new age where everyone can enjoy a glass of bubbly
LOW CALORIE - Forget calorie-counting; With only 2.9g of sugar per 100ml (as measured by Carl Jung GmbH), our Noughty Sparkling Chardonnay contains almost half the sugar content of other non-alcoholic alternatives; We dealcoholize our products in such a way that additional sugar isnt needed to mask any impurities; With Noughty, you never have to compromise between health and flavour again
100% ORGANIC CHARDONNAY GRAPES - Picked from the sandy, calcareous vineyards of southern Spain, our Chardonnay grapes are grown with minimal intervention in the harvesting and production process; Our methods are certified organic and we are an official B-Corporation, which means we meet the highest environmental and social standards; Noughty is also Halal certified
PERFECT GIFT, LOVED BY EXPERTS - Having a party; Maybe youre celebrating a birthday, wedding, anniversary or graduation; Noughty makes a great gift, and has been highly recommended by experts; Don't just take our word for it; Tamlyn Currin, renowned wine expert, says: "It is, hands down, the best alcohol-free sparkling wine I have ever tasted, and one of the best alcohol-free wines I've tasted overall...
B-CORP CERTIFIED - Thomson & Scott is proudly certified as a B-Corp

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