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Price comparison product image Echo Glow - 95cm Light Up Collapsible Professional Hula Hoop with 84 LED's

Echo Glow - 95cm Light Up Collapsible Professional Hula Hoop with 84 LED's

by Echo Hoop
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Last refresh Apr/30/2022 12:52 PM
Echo Hoop
The Echo Glow hoop has 84 fantastically bright RGB LEDs around its body. Each of these LEDs is individually controlled by the fancy control board within, meaning there are 300+ patterns available to you in this 1 hoop!
REMOTE CONTROLLED UP TO 50M - The Echo Glow LED hoop is operated with a handy remote controller. The remote uses RF wireless to communicate with the hoop. Unlike infra-red controllers this remote doesn't need a line of sight to work and is effective up to 50m away. The remote is smaller than a credit card (but a bit thicker) so it can be kept on you or subtly tucked into a costume so you can change the hoop's functions without hampering your tricks.
RECHARGEABLE & REMOVABLE BATTERY - The Echo Glow comes with a single, hot-swappable rechargeable li-ion battery. This is recharged with a simple and discrete USB cable. This battery will last over 2 hours on even the most demanding of settings this hoop can throw out, and even longer on a lower energy setting.
COLLAPSIBLE! - This hula hoop can be folded down to make it easier to transport. A travel LED glow hula hoop! It will also be sent to you in the folded position. We strongly recommend you unfold the hoop when you receive it. It may take some manipulation to return the hoop to a perfect circle. A tip for this is to leave the hoop unconnected for a while. We also recommend that you only fold this hoop up for transport, and not keep it coiled for long periods of time.
CONTENTS - 1 x 91.5cm LED hula hoop with 84 LEDs, 1 x TKTKTKT mAh Rechargeable battery, 1 x USB battery charger

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