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Price comparison product image August Smart Activity and Fitness Tracker SWB200 - App Enabled Smart Health Wristband with OLED Display,  Notifications

August Smart Activity and Fitness Tracker SWB200 - App Enabled Smart Health Wristband with OLED Display, Notifications

by August
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Last refresh Jun/06/2019 02:22 AM
Fitness and Health Tracker
Utilise the wristband to track figures such as your steps, heart rate, blood oxygen, distance travelled and calories burnt. Furthermore, use the stopwatch function to track time and using the app, see your fatigue state and get manual measurements such as heart rate and blood pressure.

Huge Battery Life
The 30 Day Battery life ensures the device will last around a month per charge!

Notification Alerts
Be alerted to what's happening on your device, whether it's a phone call, message, alarm, sitting for long periods and notifications from a range of apps including Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp.

Find Device Function
Using the 'Search Wristband' function will cause the wristband to vibrate, allowing you to find it. Note: The search function will only work if the wristband is within Bluetooth range.

August Pulse APP Enabled
Use the application to access information about your activity. See information such as the number of steps you have walked, the time you have slept and the most recent measurements of your heart rate, blood pressure, blood oxygen level and fatigue state. Furthermore, carry out manual measurements to calculate heart rate, blood pressure, blood oxygen level and fatigue state.

Sleep Tracker
See information on how you sleep, the length and periods where you were in a deep sleep or shallow sleep, as well as how many times you woke and your entire sleep time.

IP67 Waterproof Rating
The IP67 Waterproof Rating means the SWB200 is protected from dust

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* The prices and shipping costs may have changed since the last update. It is technically not possible to update the prices in real time. The time of purchase on the Website of the seller is used as the reference.