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Fitness Tracker

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Last refresh Jan/20/2019 06:23 PM
How to Use
1. Download and install the free app "GloryFit" from Google Play or Apple Store.
2. Enable Bluetooth on your smartphone, search the fitness tracker and connect them.
3. Open "GloryFit", search the fitness tracker and bind it.
4. The fitness tracker will sync with your smartphone automatically. You can make desired settings on the app. If your smartphone pops up Bluetooth pairing request, please tap "Pair".

Main Size: 45*20*9mm
Bracelet Length: 230mm
Weight: 19g
Screen: OLED
Battery: Polymer Rechargeable Lithium Battery
Battery Capacity: 80mAh
Waterproof: IP67
System Requirement: iOS 8.0 or later, Android 4.4 or later, Bluetooth 4.0

Q: The time on the fitness tracker is incorrect when synchronization is complete.
A: Reboot the fitness tracker and sync it again.
Q: Why the fitness tracker doesn't show caller ID
A: Android: Please allow "GloryFit" to access contacts, calls, SMS and keep it running in the background. If there are security apps installed on your smartphone, please set "GloryFit" as "Trust".
iOS: Please restart your smartphone and reconnect them. When the smartphone pops up Bluetooth pairing request, please tap "Pair".
Q: The fitness tracker shows the Bluetooth is connected, but the app cannot sync data.
A: Please abort the app first, restart the Bluetooth and reconnect them. If the methods mentioned above do not work

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* The prices and shipping costs may have changed since the last update. It is technically not possible to update the prices in real time. The time of purchase on the Website of the seller is used as the reference.