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Price comparison product image Pencil Holders

Pencil Holders

by Homecube
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Last refresh Jan/24/2019 08:46 PM
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Good to Know
This pencil case keep your contents organized and easy to find while still having the capacity, useful tool for you.
Unit is sold as single Pencil Case. Pens and pencils (pictured) are not included.

Internal Structure of Pencil Case
Inside, it's compartments galore, the interior flap includes a mesh pocket to secure paper clips and bookmark clips.
Below is a noter compartment, which is perfect to hide ID cards and secret notes.In the center, you'll find a 5-slot pencil holder.
The main compartment can hold up to 45 pens, and includes a flip up compartment to hold your favorite erasers or personal stapler.
This product is approximately 8 inches (200 mm) in length, 4 inches (100 mm) in width

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