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Price comparison product image B Toys Meowsic Toy Piano Childrens Keyboard Musical Instrument with Toy Microphone for Kids 2 Years

B Toys Meowsic Toy Piano Childrens Keyboard Musical Instrument with Toy Microphone for Kids 2 Years

by B. Toys
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Last refresh Dec/26/2021 04:06 PM
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B. Toys
CAT TOY KEYBOARD: Meowsic is a toy keyboard that features 20 familiar nursery rhymes and 7 kitty cat songs.
5 DIFFERENT SOUNDS: Choose between piano, bells, organ, banjo or meows. Grab the mic and sing along.
RECORD & PLAYBACK: Control volume, beat and tempo; record and playback to hear your song.
AWARD WINNER: Meowsic won Toy of the Year from Disney and was featured on the Ellen DeGeneres show.
MUSICAL TOYS: Introducing music instruments at a young age build stronger memory skills

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