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Price comparison product image BRIO 33683 Double Suspension Train Bridge for Kids Age 3 Years Up - Compatible with all BRIO Railway Sets & Accessories

BRIO 33683 Double Suspension Train Bridge for Kids Age 3 Years Up - Compatible with all BRIO Railway Sets & Accessories

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Last refresh Feb/10/2022 06:53 PM
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On the way to sunny San Francisco Why not take the train over BRIOs longest bridge across the water and enjoy the sights so the stable bridge can be used as two short bridged or one long one so a ideal accessory to the wooden train set
This item includes 2x Suspension Bridges, 2x Ascension Tracks, 1x Short Straight and measures 115.3 x 19 x 5.6cm
BRIO Trains, Engines, Wagons, Carriagesand Vehicles feature the classic BRIO magnetic couplingsfor easily hook up hence all train sets, rails

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