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Price comparison product image 5 Minute Sand Timer Blue 16 cm by tink n stink

5 Minute Sand Timer Blue 16 cm by tink n stink

by tink n stink
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tink n stink
Count down 5 minutes with ease using our much loved hourglass sandtimer. Ideal for children and adults for improved and managed time keeping. It is a very effective visual prompt that helps improve concentration whilst supporting parents and teachers with time management activities. It works because children in particular can actually see and feel the time ticking away. This helps you engage better with the concept of time The material used in the outer casting production of this sandtimer is transparent acrylic with plastic end caps. The inner is a glas tube with coloured sand. We have had our sand timers in production for over 5 years now and they all have a reputation for being very durable and robust. It's size is 16cm x 8.3cm x 7.3cm. Popular ideas for use: Promote successful turn taking with little fuss Focusing little minds on a task such as leaving the house on time and tidying up Bedtime management by giving your child five minute to brush teeth, put pyjamas on and go to the toilet Stop reluctance to change a task How accurate is it Our sand timers are rarely out but do have a 10% variant either way. Therefore

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