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Price comparison product image Fuloon Foldable Pet Swimming Pool Bathing Tub Bathtub Dog Cats Washer

Fuloon Foldable Pet Swimming Pool Bathing Tub Bathtub Dog Cats Washer

by Fuloon
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Last refresh Jul/08/2018 06:36 PM


This PVC Foldable Swimming Water Pool Bathing Tub is made to sit on both patios and lawns for versatile use. It comes two sizes of 80 and 120 diameter for choice.
This padding pool has a simple foldable design for easy storage and a snap open drain plug for emptying. So, it can be filled and emptied with ease.

If your dog is more of a soaker than a swimmer, then he may enjoy a paddling pool instead of a full sized swimming pool.

Paddling pools are smaller versions of traditional dog pools and they provide just enough space for your puppy to lie down and lap in the luxury.

You'll be able to fold it up and put it in the garage or a closet once the end of summer gets here while saving some space. It's still remarkably large for how small it folds up into, and sure to provide your dogs with some summertime cooling and recreation.

If you do have smaller dogs, you're sure to love watching them romp around and enjoy themselves in the summer. It holds up remarkably well provided you only let small dogs in it and they aren't chewers. The space saving feature is nice as well.

It's suitable for larger dogs, the foldable material can hold up all that well for any dog even over fifteen pounds and the bottom is enough solid.

It's also suitable For chewers, the foldable sides are covered in waterproof PVC and the interior of the panels is also PVC material instead of heavy-duty cardboard, it will be more durable than other style of the pool in market.

Also, if you have children, you can use it as a Kiddie pools

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