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Yoga Vinyasas for Beginners

Price comparison product image Yoga Vinyasas for Beginners
The Yoga 2 Hear range of instructional yoga CDs provide top quality classes that are easy to follow, practical and effective. The classes work so well because, unlike a DVD, there is no visual distraction. This allows you to practice mindfully and focus 100% on the postures, your body and your breathing which will maximise the benefits gained. The classes also release you from the T.V screen and allow you to practice wherever and whenever you choose. The classes are devised and narrated by Sue Fuller, a leading yoga teacher and the resident yoga expert for Natural Health Magazine. The easy to follow narrated instruction is complemented by relaxing background music and the accompanying downloadable guide book highlights the instructions and provides a series of reference photos for each yoga posture. It also contains useful information on how to get the most from each class. Yoga Vinyasas for Beginners has been devised to introduce and progress through basic flowing yoga techniques. The product is made up of 3 seperate 26 minute classes. Each class naturally progresses from the previous one in the series by using subtle variations of postures. The classes use flowing yoga techniques that link basic postures such as Cat, Downward Dog and Standing Forward Bend together using the breath to form a flowing sequence which is known as a yoga vinyasa. Yoga vinyasa classes move faster than normal sessions and as a result they really help to shape and tone the body, reduce body fat, focus and clear the mind and provide a gentle cardio workout. The Yoga Vinyasas for Beginners CD can be used to complement our beginners level yoga classes and is ideal to use when you do not have time for a longer class. We think they are best used in the morning
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